About Me

Faizal Mustafa is a photographer based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. He lives with his wife, Liza and two children, Harith and Sarah. His favourite TV channel is cartoon network. He is in his second year of business and have done more than 50+ work.

Please contact him at faizalmustafa@gmail.com or 0192757192

I'm trying something new here. Previously all post are archives instead of labels. Maybe using labels, it will be easier to navigate this blog. Please click on photo to enlarge.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

AJL 2010

AJL 2010 Alamak! Kali ini semua peserta bawah umur 25 tahun! Misha sahaja lebih kut? My first time at AJL! Wow gempak betul. 1) The peminat were really crazy! Liza and I were outside the Bukit Jalil Indoor stadium at 7pm. We have invites alright, but hey, you never know.

Dato' Siti doing her thing. Do we have to have her sing every year? You bet! She is a crowd puller. Without
her, AJL will just be A.

Search. Amy doing what he does best! Is that his real hair? Search have to be the best rock band ever im Malaysia, Besides Wings. Ini gila punya kerja.

Yuna or is it Luna? I may not be in touch with the Malaysian Music scene but I do know a good artist. She is good.

The three presenter, Ally, Cheryl and Faizal.

Aizat doing his 1 malaysia thing. Do we need this Political Slogan even in Music?

Faizal Tahir! What a gig. I believed this will be his last performance.


And the winner is............. Aizat.